Read the Covenants

The “Covenant of the Prophetﷺ” Transcribed by Shidyāq

Translated by Dr. John Andrew Morrow, Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Zein, and Ahmed El-Wakil.

نسخة العهد الذى كتبه النبى عم لاهل الذمةThis is a copy of the covenant [al-‘ahd] that the Prophet, peace be upon him, wrote to the protected people [ahl al-dhimmah].

كتب عن نسخة كتبت عن الاصل وهو بخط معاوية بن ابي سفيانIt was written down from the original copy which was in the handwriting of Mu‘āwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān.

وقد حرفه الناسختحريفااخرجه عن ان يكون معزواً لاحد من العرب الاقدمين فضلا عن رسول الله افصح الخلق بالاجماعThe copyist [al-nāsikh] distorted its text [ḥarrafahu] and so its language cannot therefore be attributed to the Arabs of old, particularly to the Messenger of Allāh who by consensus was the most eloquent of creation. [These are the words of Shidyāq and not the previous copyist of the document].

هذا الكتاب الاصلي كاتبه معاوية بن ابي سفيان باملآ المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله اجمعينThis is the original document whose scribe is Mu‘āwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān as dictated to him by the Chosen One [al-Muṣṭafā], may the blessings and peace of Allāh be upon him and all of his family.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه العونIn the name of Allāh, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful and with His Help.

هذا الكتاب العزيز امر بكتبه5 خير خلق الله محمد رسول الله الى الناس كافة بشيرا ونذيرا على وديعة الله في خلقه لتكون حجة الله على الناس لئلا يكون للناس على الله حجة بعد الرسل وكان الله عزيزا حكيماThis precious document [al-kitāb al-‘azīz] was written upon the command of the best of creation, Muḥammad, the Messenger of Allāh, to all people, as a glad tiding and warning, as a trust Allāh has placed over His creation [wadi‘at Allāh fī khalqihi] so that it serves as a proof of Allāh to the people, and for the people to have no excuse before Allāh after the messengers [rusul]. And Allāh is All-Mighty and All-Wise.

كتب الى الحارث بن كعب عهدا وميثاقا من لدن رسول الله لاهل الملة المسيحية في مشرق الارض ومغربها وفصحها وعجمها وقربها وبعدها وجاهلها وعارفهاIt was written to al-Ḥārith ibn Ka‘b as a covenant [‘ahd] and treaty [mīthāq] from the Messenger of Allāh to the followers of the Christian creed [ahl al-millat al-masīḥiyyah] in the lands of the East and the West, Arabs and non-Arabs, those who are near and those who are distant, the ignorant ones [jāhilihā] and the knowledgeable ones [‘ārifihā].

يعلمون بان هذا الكتاب جعلته لهم عهدا وميثاقا مرعيّا وسجلّا منشورا ووصية منى اقيم بها عدل الله وذمتيThey know that I granted this document [kitāb] to them as a covenant [‘ahd], a binding treaty [mīthāqan mar‘iyyan], a well-known certificate [sijjilan manshūran], and a testament [waṣiyyah] from me, by which I apply [uqīmu] the justice of Allāh and my protection [dhimmatī].

فمن رعاها كان بالاسلام متمسكا ولما فيه مستاهلا ومن ضيَّعه ونكث العهد الذى فيه الى غيره وتعدَّى فيما امرت به كان لعهد الله ناكثا ولميثاقه نافيا وبذمتي مستهينا سلطانا كان او غيره من المؤمنين والمسلمينWhosoever abides by it is within the fold of Islām [mutamasikan] and is worthy of it. Whosoever breaks it and whosoever violates the covenant [‘ahd] and what it contains by altering it, and violates what I have ordered therein, is a violator of the covenant of Allāh, a denier of His treaty, and a belittler of my protection [dhimmatī], whether he is a sovereign [ṣulṭān] or any other among the believers [mū’minīn] and the Muslims [muslimīn].

بان بذلت (بدأت) باعطاء العهود على (عن) نفسي والمواثيق التي سالوها منى وعن جميع اهل ملتي من المسلمين واحببت بان اعطيهم عهد الله وميثاقه وذمة انبيائه ورسله واصفيائه واوليائه من الاولين والاخرينI begin by granting the covenants [‘uhūd] and the treaties [mawāthīq] that were requested of me and from all those who belong to my community [ahl al-millatī] among the Muslims. I would like to grant them the covenant of Allāh and His treaty, and to place them under the protection of His prophets, His messengers, His chosen ones, and His saints, so that it be binding among the first and the last of them.

وانى اشهد بما اخذ الله على كل نبى مرسل وملك مقرب من اهل الطاعة وانبيائه المقربين بالوفاء بعهد الله فالواجب علىيّ بان اوفي بعهد الله كالمرسلين من قبل واتى (وانَّ) العهود لمن يقرّ بالوفاءI bear witness by that which Allāh has taken from every prophet who was sent and every angel drawn near [to the divine throne] from the People of Obedience and the closest prophets [to God] that the covenant of Allāh [‘ahd Allāh] must be fulfilled. Therefore, it is my obligation to fulfill the covenant of Allāh [‘ahd Allāh] like the messengers before me and those covenants [‘uhūd] which have been made and which are to be fulfilled.

وهم النصارى اعطيتهم عهدي هذا وميثاقي الاحوى اقصاهم وادنا بنفسي وخيلي ورجالي واعواني واتباعي من المؤمنين في كل ناحية ونواح بعيدة كانت او قريبة سلما كانوا او حرباI granted the Christians this covenant [‘ahdī] and treaty [mīthāqī] of mine to protect them if they are far away and close to me with all my power, my cavalry, my men, my helpers, and my followers among the believers [mū’minīn] in every region, far or near, in times of peace and war.

اصنتهم وعن ديارهم وعن بيعهم وعن صوامعهم ومواضع الرهبان منهم وعن كل سائح لهم حيث كانوا واين كانوا في جبل ام في واد ام في مفازةI protect them, their homes, their churches [biy‘ihim], their monasteries [ṣawāmi‘ihim], the places [mawāḍi‘] of their monks and the pilgrims belonging to them [i.e., to their religion], whenever and wherever they are, be they in a mountain, the valley, or the desert.

وكذلك الواجب عليّ بان احوطهم واحوط دينهم وملكهم حيث كانوا واين كانوا في برّ ام بحر في شرق ام غرب احوطهم بنفسي وبخاتمي وباهل ملتى من المؤمنين والمسلمينFurthermore, it is my duty to protect their religion and their kingdom, whenever and wherever they are found, in land or at sea, in the east or in the west. I am protecting them by myself, by my [prophetic] seal [khātimī], and by the People of my Religious Community [ahl millatī] from among the believers [mū’minīn] and the Muslims [muslimīn].

وان احلهم في امتى (امنى) وهم في امان الله واماني من كل اذى ومكروه وانادد (واناضل)عنهم كل سلطنة وكل معاندI place them under my security [amanī], and so they are under the protection of Allāh [amān Allāh] and under my protection [amānī] from all harm or adversity [makrūh]. I struggle against any oppressive power [salṭanah] or opponent on their behalf.

وبذلك واجب علي رعيتهم وحفظهم من كل مونة واذى وبيعة وان اكون من ورائهم ذائدا عنهم وعن كل شى يلوذ بهم وان لا يصل الاذى اليهم حتى (حتى) ما يصل اليّ والى اصحابي من اهل الإسلامI must, therefore, care for them and protect them from all supplies, harm, and [forced] allegiance, and to stand behind them to defend and protect them, along with everything that belongs to them, to ensure that no harm reaches them unless it first reaches me and my companions from the People of Islām [ahl al-Islām].

وان اعزل عنهم الاذى من الموت وهو المعهد اليّ ولا يحمل من الخراج الا ما طابت انفسهم به لا جبرا ولا اكراهاI shall keep the burden of supplies away from them, even for what they must give me. I shall not burden them with the land-tax [kharāj] except for what they voluntarily consent. They shall not be forced nor compelled in this matter.

وان لا يتغير اسقفّ عن اسقفيته ولا مطران عن مطرنيّته ولا راهب عن منبته (رهبنته) ولا سائح عن بحتهWhat is more, no bishop shall be removed from his bishopric, no archbishop from his archbishopric, no monk from his monasticism [rahbanatihi], and no pilgrim from his pilgrimage.

ولا يكون احد من خلق الله يتعارض الى بيوت عبادتهم ولا ينهدم منها حجر واحدNobody in Allāh’s creation has the right to interfere [yata‘āraḍ] with their places of worship or to seize a single building block from them.

ولا يكون يدخل شى من الجدران التى لهم في بناء بيوت المسلمين ولا في المساجد فمن فعل غير هذا او خان عهدي هذا فهو بريء مني وانا منهNothing from within their walls shall be used to build the homes of Muslims or their mosques. Whosoever does such a thing or violates this covenant of mine [‘ahdī], then I am free of him and he is free of me.

ولا يكونوا مسلمين يحملوا المسلمين بعضهم على بعض ليحملوا الاساقفة والرهبان ولا جميع من تعبَّد منهم وتلبّس بلباس الصوف والمتوحدين بالجبال والمواضع المتباعدة شيء من الجزيةوالخراجMuslims are not Muslims when they attack each other or when they attack bishops, monks, worshippers, those who wear woolen clothing, and hermits [mutawaḥidīn] residing in the mountains as well as in distant places, and they are not subject to the jizyah and the land-tax [kharāj].

على ان ليس على المتعبّد جزية البشر الا جزية الله التي هي الصوم والصلوة والدعاء للخلق والطاعة للهThis is because those who have consecrated their lives to worship [muta‘abbid] do not owe any jizyah to man, rather their jizyah is to Allāh in the form of fasting, prayer, supplications for fellow human beings, and obedience to Allāh.

وامّا من كان من غيرهم من النصارى فعليه الجزية الواجبة وهى دينار حسب لا غير فمن تعدَّى واخذ غير هذا التقرير (فهو) ملعونAnyone among the Christians [naṣārā] who is required to pay the compulsory jizyah shall only be required to pay one dīnār. Whosoever violates [this command], and takes more than what is prescribed, shall be cursed.

واذا اخذت منهم الجزية المقررة كانت فى مال المسلمين لاجل الضعفا والمساكين ولا توخذ منهم قهرا الا بطيبة من قلوبهم لا غصبWhenever the prescribed jizyah is taken from them, it belongs to the treasury [māl] of the Muslims that is designated to provide for the weak and the poor. It is not to be taken from them by oppressing them, only by their own accord, and without force.

وايضا لا تجوز الجزية على اصحاب المتجر ولا على استخراج الذهب والفضة ولا الجوهر وغيرهم من المعادن الا المونة التى تصل لبيت مال المسلمينNo additional jizyah is to be collected from traders or those who extract gold, silver, gems, and other [precious metals and stones] (from mines) with the exception of the prescribed portion that is destined to reach the treasury of the Muslims [bayt māl al-muslimīn].

ولا يكون على عابر الطريق من الغربة شى من الجزية وانه ليس من اهل البلد وله الاحسان لاجل انه غريب ولا يكون تاخذ منهم حق الارض شططا ولا يحمل غير طاقته بل يوخذ منه على مقدار الارض وعمارتها وعلى اقبال ثمرتها ولا يجاوز عن حدّ الضجلForeign travelers have no right to the jizyah for they are not residents of the country. They are however to be treated kindly because they are in a foreign land. The right to the land is not to be taken from them and they should only give a just amount from the cultivation, development, and harvest of the land.

ولا يكلف احد من المسلمين لاهل الذمة الخروج الى عدوهم وملاقاة الحروب ومكاشفة الاقران على انه ليس على اهل الذمة مباشرة القتالIt is not permissible for a Muslim to send anyone from the people under our protection [ahl al-dhimmah] to face their enemies, to engage in wars [ḥurūb] or to fight their counterparts [aqrān], as the people under our protection should not be exposed to the battlefield [mubāsharat al-qitāl].

وانما اعطى الذمة على ان لا يكلفوا بشى آخر وانما المسلمون اخذوا منهم الجزية لتكون مباشرة القتال لانفسهم وانهم يكونون ذبابين عنهم محذرين من دونهم يفدوهم باموالهم واولادهم وانفسهم ان كانوا لامرتى طائعين ولما امرت ممتثلينSince they have been granted our protection [dhimmah], they are discharged of all other obligations. And since the Muslims collect the jizyah from them, they must ensure that fighting on the battlefield be left up to them and that they defend them, warn them, sacrifice their money, their children, and themselves for them as long as they [i.e., the Muslims] follow and obey my commands.

واما ملة النصارى فلا يكونوا يكرهون احدا من المسلمين اذا كانوا مباشرين قتال عدوهم بقوة من السلاح او من الخيل اذا تبرعوا لاهل ملتي فيحمل على ذلك من تبرّع به وعز وله ذلكNo one among the Muslims [muslimīn], whenever they fight their enemies, should force the Christian community [millat al-naṣārā] to provide weapons or horses. However, if they contribute to my religious community [ahl millatī], then this shall be acknowledged and appreciated.

ولا يكون احد من المسلمين يجادل احدا من النصارى كرها الا بالتى هي احسن ويخفض له جناح الرحمة ويكف عنهم الاذى والمكروه حيث كانوا واين كانواNo one among the Muslims should dispute with anyone among the Christians [naṣārā] except with means that are better (29:46). Rather, they should cover them with the wing of mercy and protect them from harm and adversity that could reach them whenever and wherever they are.

وان جرّ احد من النصارى جزية (جريرة) او جنى جناية فعلى المسلمين نصره والمعونة والدين عنه والغرم على جريرته والدخول بينهم بالصلح اما بالقهر واما بالمساعدة يقاد بهIf any Christian were to commit a criminal offense [jarīrah] or a felony [janā jināyah], Muslims [muslimīn] should stand by his side by helping and supporting him. They must safeguard him and pay the penalty of his offense. They should encourage reconciliation, either by intervention or by giving financial assistance as a form of retribution and compensation.

ولا يرفضوا ولا يخذلوا ولاية او مهملا فلهذا اعطيتهم عهد الله وذمتي على ان لهم ما للمسلمين وعليهم ما على المسلمين وللمسلمين ما لهمThey should not abandon them and leave them without help and assistance since I have granted them the covenant of Allāh and my protection [‘ahd Allāh wa dhimmatī] to ensure that they and the Muslims have the same rights and obligations.

وعلى المسلمين ما عليهم بالعهد الذي (استوجبه) حق الذمة والذب عن الحرمة به استوجبوا الذب عنهم من كل مكروه ويدحل لهم في كل مرفق حتى يكونوا للمسلمين شركا فيما لهم وفيما عليهمFurthermore, the Muslims have an obligation toward them with respect to the covenant, guaranteeing them the right of protection and safeguarding everything that is sacrosanct. They also have accepted that every mischief be removed from them and that they be bound to the Muslims so that they and the Muslims become partners with one another in the mutual rights and obligations that they share.

ولهم ايضا حل النكاح ما بين الزوجين المسلم والنصراني لا شطط ولا اكراه فلهذا قلت لهم ما للمسلمين وللمسلمين على تزويج المسلم بالنصرانية فلا يكرهوا اهل البيت على تزويج ولا يضاددوا في ذلك وان منعوا وابوا تزويجا فان ذلك لا يكون الاّ بطيب انفسهم ومسامحة هواهم ان احبّوه ورضوهIn addition, the marriage between Muslim and Christian spouses is permissible so long as it is without transgression and under no coercion. For that reason, I said to them that it is the right of a Muslim man to marry a Christian woman as he would a Muslim woman, and so the families of Christian women should not be coerced or harmed in this respect. Therefore, it is their right to refuse or reject a marriage proposal as these should be undertaken of their own accord, with their consent, and with their approval and authorization.

فاذا صارت النصرانية عند المسلمين فعليه رضى هواها في دينها من الاقتداء بروسائها والاخذ بما يعامل دينها ولا يمنعها ذلك ولا يكرهها ذلك على شركه فان فعل ذلك واكرهها فعليه لعنة الله وقد خالف الله وعصى ميثاق رسوله وهو عند الله من الكذابينIf a Muslim takes a Christian woman as a wife, he must respect her Christian beliefs. He must support her religious aspirations so that she may receive religious instruction from her [clerical] superiors and he must allow her to fulfill her religious obligations. He must never prevent her from doing so. He must also not force her to act contrary to her religion or abuse her so that she abandons it. If he does this, and forces her, then he has broken the covenant of Allāh and violated the treaty [given to the Christians] by the Messenger of Allāh, and in the sight of Allāh he is among the liars.

وان احتاجوا الى مرمة كنائسهم او صوامعهم او شى من مصلحة دينهم والوفاء لهم بعهد الله وعهد رسول الله هبة لهم ذمة الله وذمة رسوله عليهمIf they need to restore their churches or monasteries [sawāmi‘ihim], or anything pertaining to their religion [dīn], they must be assisted according to the covenant of Allāh and the covenant of His messenger. This must be given to them in the form of a gift as part of the protection [dhimmah] of Allāh and the protection [dhimmah] of His messenger which they enjoy.

ولا يكره احد منهم ان يكون بين المسلمين عدوهم وقالوا له كن لنا رسولا دليلا الى شى مما يقوم بنا فان (فمن) فعل ذلك باحد كرها كان ظالما ولرسول الله عاصيا ولوصيّته مخالفا هذه الشروط التي شرطها محمد رسول الله لاهل ملة النصارىThe Muslims should not force them to stand between them and their enemies and say to them: “Be one of our messengers, guiding [our army] through the terrain.” Whosoever does this to any one of them is wrongful and disobedient to the Messenger of Allāh and to his testament. He has violated the stipulations which Muḥammad, the Messenger of Allāh, decreed toward the religious community of Christians [ahl millat al-naṣārā].

واشترط ايضا عليهم في دينهم امورا في ذمتهم عليهم ليتمسكوا بها والوفاء بما عاهد عليهم وهذه اية لا يكون احد منهم عينا لاحد من اهل الحرب من احد من اهل المسلمين في سر وعلانيةHe also stipulated in their religion [dīn] responsibilities pertaining to their protection and which they must hold and abide to as part of the covenant. None of them should spy upon the Muslims, secretly or openly, on behalf of the People of War [ahl al-ḥarb].

وايضا لا يترقى في منازلهم عدوّ المسلمين ولا ينزل اوطانهم وشيا من مساكن ولا غيرهم من الملة ولا يرفد احد من اهل الحرب على المسلمين بقوة من عادية السلاح ولا من الرجال ولا يستودعوا مالا لغيرهم ولا ند ولا يكتبوا لهم ولا يصافوهم الا ان يكون في دار بقية يذبون فيها عن انفسهم ويردّون عن دمائهم ورعاية دينهمNo enemies of the Muslims should ever stay in their houses or take up residence in their regions or habitations, even if they be their co-religionists. Moreover, they should not assist anyone from the People of War [ahl al-ḥarb] against the Muslims by supplying them with weapons, fighters, or by retaining financial deposits. They are not to aid the enemies of the Muslims by writing to them or hosting them except that it should be out of fear for their lives, to prevent bloodshed, or to safeguard their religion [dīn].

ولا يمنعهم احد من المسلمين قراءة ثلثة ايام ولياليها لانفسهم واولادهم وفتيانهم حيث كانوا واين ارادوا ويبذلوا لهم القرى الذى مالكون ولا يكفّوا على شقاق فيحملوا الاذية عليهم والمكروهThe Christians must not prevent the Muslims, along with those accompanying them and including their children, from staying with them for three days and three nights, wherever they are and wherever they wish. The Christians must offer them food and lodging from what belongs to them and they must not be overburdened in doing so. They must endure no harm or discomfort for their hospitality.

وان احتاج احد من المسلمين الى اخفاء في منازلهم ومواطن عبادتهم فلا يردوهم ولا يرفضوهم ويراسوهم عما ثبوته لهم اذا كانوا مختفين اذا كتموا عنهم ولم يظهروا العدو على عدواتهم وما يخلو شى من الواجب عليهم في ذلكIf one of the Muslims needs to hide in one of their homes or in one of their places of worship, they must grant him hospitality, help him, and stand by his side so long as the Muslim remains in hiding. They must conceal him from the enemy, not disclose his location and accommodate for all of his needs.

فمن نكث منهم شيا من هذه الشروط وتعدى الى غيرها فقد برئ من الله تعالىوذمته (وذمة)رسول الله هذا العهد عليهم بذلك والمواثيق التي اخذت علي الاختيار والرهبان والنصارى من اهل الكتاب واشدّ ما اخذ الله على النبي وعلى امته من اهل الايمان والوفا بذلك حيث كانوا واين كانواWhosoever contravenes any of these conditions or transgresses them by altering them has freed himself of the protection of Allāh and that of the messenger of Allāh. This covenant [al-‘ahd] is for them as well as the treaties [mawāthīq] that I chose to take from the Christian scholars, the monks [al-ruhbān], and the Christians [naṣārā] from the People of the Book [ahl al-kitāb]. It is the most stringent oath that Allāh has taken from a prophet and his community [ummah].

وعلى رسول الله بما جعله على نفسه وعلى المسلمين رعاية ذلك لهم ومقرتهم به والانتهاء اليه ابدا حتى تقوم الساعة وتقضي الدنياThe Messenger of Allāh has decreed that it is binding on himself and all of the Muslims who should know and observe its stipulations. It is an everlasting [covenant], valid until the Day of Judgment and the End of Time.

واشهد على هذا الكتاب الذي امر بكتبته محمد رسول الله لاهل ملة النصرانية واشرط عليهم وكتب لهم العهدThose who bore witness to this document [kitāb] which Muḥammad, the Messenger of Allāh, ordered to be written to the followers of Christianity [ahl millat al-naṣrāniyyah]. He wrote for them the stipulations found in the covenant and granted it to them.

وهولا الشهود اصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله اجمعينThese are the witnesses who are the companions of the Messenger of Allāh, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him and all of his family.

اول الشهودThe first witnesses are:

1Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq;ابو بكر الصديق
2‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb;عمر بن الخطاب
3‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān;عثمان بن عفان
4‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib;علي بن ابي طالب
5Mu‘āwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān;معاوية بن ابي سفيان
6Abū al-Dardā;ابو الدَردْاء
7Abū Hurayrah;ابو هريرة
8Abū Dharr;ابو ذر
9‘Abd Allāh ibn ‘Abbās;عبد الله ابن عباس
10‘Abd Allāh ibn Maṣ‘ūd;عبد الله بن مسعود
11Ḥamzah ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib;حمزة بن عبد المطلب
12al-Faḍl ibn ‘Abbās;الفضل ابن عباس
13al-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awwām;الزبير بن العوام
14Ṭalhah ibn ‘Abd Allāh;طلحة بن عبد الله
15Sa‘d ibn Mu‘ādh;سعد بن معاذ
16Sa‘d ibn ‘Ubād;سعد بن عباد
17Thābit ibn Qays;ثابت بن قيس
18Zayd ibn Thābit;زيد بن ثابت
19‘Abd Allāh ibn Zayd;عبد الله بن زيد
20Ḥarqūsh ibn Zayd;حرقوش بن زيد
21Zayd ibn Arqam;زيد بن ارقم
22Usāmah ibn Zayd;اسامة بن زيد
23Sahl ibn Binhān;سهل بن بنهان
24‘Uthmān ibn Maṭ‘ūn;عثمان بن مطعون
25Dhuwāb ibn Ḥayr;ذواب بن حير
26Abū al-Ḥāliyah;ابو الحالية
27‘Abd Allāh ibn ‘Umar al-Qāḍī;عبد الله بن عمر القاضي
28Abū Hudhayfah ibn ‘Umar ibn Rabī‘ah;ابو حذيفة بن عمر بن ربيعه
29‘Ammār ibn Yāsir;عمّار بن ياسر
30Hishām ibn Ghuṣah;هاشم بن غصه
31Ḥassān ibn Thābit;حسان بن ثابت
32Ka‘b ibn Mālik;كعب بن مالك
33Ja‘far ibn Abī Ṭālib;جعفر بن ابي طالب
34Khālid ibn al-Walīd; andخالد بن الوليد
35Bilāl al-Ḥabashīبلال الحبشي

هذه اصحاب النبي الشهود عليه بهذه الشروطThese are the companions of the Prophet who witnessed these terms [shurūṭ].

وكتب نسخة الاصل معاوية بن ابي سفيان باملآء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم الاثنين خامس ربيع الآخر من السنة الرابعة للهجرةThe original copy was written down by Mu‘āwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān as dictated by the Messenger of Allāh, may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him, on Monday, on the fifth of Rabī‘ al-Ākhir, in the fourth year of the Hijrah.

بالمدينة حرسها الله وكفى بالله شهيدا على ما في هذا الكتاب[Written] in Madīnah which is protected by Allāh. And Allāh is sufficient as a witness [wa kafā bi-Lāhi shahīdan] to what is contained in this document.
