The Exemplar


Dr Afifi Al-Akiti

Dr Afifi al-Akiti is a theologian and philologist and the Kuwait Fellow in Islamic Studies at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, United Kingdom.

Over fourteen centuries ago, Prophet Muhammadﷺ upheld the Quran’s (Qurʾān) visionary ethos that integrated humanity and spirituality with care for the earth. Bringing faith and environmental protection together, the Prophetﷺ promoted a deeper sense of respect and responsibility and highlighted the elevated status the Quran gave to humans as eco-guardians. Always leading by example, he encouraged a greener outlook through framing the planting of trees, water conservation and maintaining balance as a religious duty.

Humans as guardians of the earth

Among the words that describe a human being in the Quran, Islam’s sacred book, is ‘khalifa’ or a custodian on earth who has the role of safeguarding all of creation with compassion and dignity.

The rigorous environmental ethic taught by the Prophetﷺ highlighted the tripartite relationship between human beings, the natural world and God.

As a leader whose fundamental philosophy was one of equilibrium in all things, the Prophetﷺ encouraged his Companions to reflect on the world around them and to always be conscious of preserving harmony, as the Quran warns, “Do not cause corruption on the earth, after it has been set in order.” (Chapter 7, verse 56). In this way, the earth was regarded as humanity’s inheritance, and they had a choice to either destroy that inheritance or protect it for future generations.

The rigorous environmental ethic taught by the Prophetﷺ highlighted the tripartite relationship between human beings, the natural world and God (Allāh). The Prophetﷺ built a spiritual incentive to care for the earth, which he also described as a place of prayer, saying, “The earth has been made for me a place of prostration and a means of purification.”

By speaking of the earth in such a way, Prophet Muhammadﷺ urged his followers to reconnect with their environment at a deeper level. Through broadening the concept of faith to include safeguarding the sanctity of their surroundings, the Prophetﷺ heralded a truly holistic and all-embracing outlook when it came to leading a religious life.

The protection and planting of trees

It was in Medina that the Prophetﷺ could finally bring the environmental vision of the Quran to fruition.

One of the Prophet’sﷺ most significant eco-friendly endeavors was the planting of trees.

After facing persecution in his home city in Mecca (Makkah) and seeing his followers being deprived of a safe space to thrive, the Prophetﷺ moved the community to a city named Yathrib, later renamed Medina (Madīnah). He had been invited to settle long term disputes between the different tribes in the area, and used Medina as a base to create a unified city-state.

It was in Medina that the Prophetﷺ could finally bring the environmental vision of the Quran to fruition. With freedom and opportunity, he was able to embed a greener ethic within his people’s collective psyche. He framed tree planting as a form of charity, saying, “If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift for him.”

He went even further to encourage his disciples to plant trees, saying, “If you have a palm sapling in your hand, plant it – even if it is the Last Hour.” Such a statement stressed the immense importance of a seemingly simple act, and the Prophetﷺ did so by astutely nurturing a sense of optimism, urging people to do everything they could to protect the planet.

As a pioneer in green values, the Prophetﷺ established protected tree zones around Medina called ḥima or ḥimaya (pl.) in Arabic meaning conservation areas. He declared that the thirty kilometer area around Medina be a protected grove and forbade the cutting down of trees within its borders. This environmental ethic of the Prophetﷺ extended even to guidelines in warfare. The code of war in the Islamic tradition incorporated the protection of trees, which prohibited the cutting of trees and the destruction of crops.

Thus, the tree played a major role as a symbol for environmental protection in the theological landscape of the Prophetﷺ.

Water conservation

A key lesson that the Prophetﷺ addressed was on water conservation when it came to the ritual prayer.

One of the key warnings to humanity in the Quran in regard to the environment was against exploiting the resources that the earth provided. On a practical level, this meant not being wasteful even when in abundance.

A key lesson that the Prophetﷺ addressed was on water conservation when it came to the ritual prayer. He told his Companions not to waste water when they were performing their ablutions in preparation for the prayer, advising them not to go to excess “even if you are beside a flowing river.”

This was an extraordinary move by the Prophetﷺ in the seventh century, where he encouraged mindfulness of resources even when engaging in an obligatory act of faith. Any spiritual act was to be intrinsically linked with care for the environment.

Again, the Prophetﷺ reminded his followers to maintain the balance, which the Quran calls mīzān, so that humans can protect the earth, and in doing so safeguard their own surroundings and future. Such was the all-embracing vision that the Prophetﷺ advocated for a truly spiritual lifestyle, which went hand in hand with ethical action.
