Mental Health

Imam Dr. Omar Suleiman is a scholar, speaker, activist and writer based in the United States and is the founder and president of the think-tank, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research.
Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammadﷺ faced a breadth of hardships and challenges that played a crucial role in shaping his mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude. His experiences forged the character of a man who shouldered the immense task of spreading the message of Islam and they enabled him to persevere through every storm.
Resilience from birth
Instead of comfort and ease, Muhammadﷺ spent the first part of his childhood knowing difficulty and grief. He lost his father, Abdullah (’Abdallāh), even before he was born into a society that was built on patriarchal power. His mother, Amina (Āminah), was grief-stricken. Without a husband to support her, the young bride could not afford to pay a Bedouin wet nurse to care for her child, as was customary for her noble clan. Yet, a poor, kindly nomadic woman, named Halima (Ḥalīmah), offered to take the infant into her care.
As a child, the Prophetﷺ had already endured the most difficult of circumstances. He understood what it meant to be in pain. He understood what it meant to be helpless and alone.
A few years later, Muhammadﷺ rejoined his beloved mother, but they were only to enjoy a brief time together, as she died from an illness when he was just six years old. Twice orphaned, he had to move on again to live with his paternal grandfather, but tragedy did not yet leave Muhammadﷺ, as his grandfather also passed away a few years later.
As a child, the Prophetﷺ had already endured the most difficult of circumstances. He understood what it meant to be in pain. He understood what it meant to be helpless and alone. His early experience of loss made him more attuned to his emotions from a young age, a bittersweet familiarity that would come back repeatedly in life. As an adult, he saw the passing of his beloved wife, Khadija (Khadījah), and he suffered the heartbreak of seeing his children die before him. He underwent all these traumas while being ridiculed and abused for spreading Islam. Yet each sorrow and challenge carved out resilience and compassion. Through his example, his people learned how to embrace vulnerability and steer through each test.
The loss of baby Ibrahim
Even through his pain, the Prophetﷺ taught his people that processing grief and being in touch with one’s emotions confirms their humanity and dependence on God (Allāh).
After living through so much loss, the Prophetﷺ was finally blessed with a son towards the end of his life, whom he named Ibrahim after the ancient Prophet Abraham (Ibrāhīm), the father of monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The whole community joyfully celebrated the birth, the first child born to the Prophetﷺ in Medina (Madīnah), where the early Muslims had migrated after fleeing persecution in their home city of Mecca (Makkah). But the joy, like the boy, was short lived. Soon Ibrahim became very ill, taking his last breath in his father’s arms. The Prophetﷺ openly showed his grief and vulnerability, with tears running down his face as he stood by his son’s grave.
The Prophet’sﷺ Companions were taken aback by his sadness, thinking a man of his standing and position, a leader on God’s mission could withstand the pain. One Companion gently said to him, “O Messenger of God, even you are weeping?” The Prophetﷺ replied, “This is mercy. The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say anything except what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim! Indeed we are grieved by your separation.”
Even through his pain, the Prophetﷺ taught his people that processing grief and being in touch with one’s emotions confirms their humanity and dependence on God. Yet at the same time, he did not allow his emotions to overtake him, showing there is balance in everything, even sorrow. Through that tempered release, he taught them to find solace and deepen their faith in God.
The woman with mental health needs
This leader had no interest in being apart from his community; he lived alongside them, eager to support them in any way he could.
While the Prophetﷺ dealt with his own difficulties, he never placed them above his growing community. He was always ready to serve each member, going out of his way to tend to their individual needs. There was a woman who was known to have mental health issues, and one day she came to the mosque, seeking the Prophet’sﷺ help. He showed her care, respect and attention, and knew she would need further support, so he offered to meet her wherever she wished.
The Prophetﷺ walked with the woman, listened patiently, and remained with her until she felt assured and was able to move on. This leader had no interest in being apart from his community; he lived alongside them, eager to support them in any way he could. Through his example, the Prophetﷺ showed his Companions how to be there for someone going through the different trials of life, whoever they are. He encouraged the Muslims to alleviate each other’s burdens, and never think they were too proud to help.
Supporting people through anxiety and depression
Prophet Muhammadﷺ embodied the Quran’s (Qurʾān) assurance, “For indeed, with hardship comes ease,” always ready to help carry people through their trauma towards hope and relief.
The Prophetﷺ would never equate a person’s sadness with a lack of faith. Far from dismissing people’s experiences and emotions, he sought to acknowledge their feelings, reassure them and help them find perspective and hope.
People often came to the Prophetﷺ to share their grief, because they knew they would never be belittled, but that they would be taken seriously, listened to and respected. The Prophetﷺ was ready to offer his sympathy and support as well as offering prayers to help them move forward.
There was a young man from among the community who was suffering from depression. He came to the Prophetﷺ, saying he no longer wanted to live. The Prophetﷺ with his usual comforting demeanor, attentive manner and reassuring presence, gently asked him, “You want to die while I am among you?” The Prophetﷺ lifted the young man out of his depression and gave him a supplication that acknowledged the hardship he was going through and assured him of the love and solace that flowed from God.
The number of supplications and prayers about grief and anxiety that the Prophetﷺ gave to people proved he acknowledged and addressed mental health issues. Prophet Muhammadﷺ embodied the Quranic assurance, “For indeed, with hardship comes ease,” always ready to help carry people through their trauma towards hope and relief.