
The Prophetﷺ transformed an entire society from mobilizing women’s empowerment to upholding equality and justice.

Among Prophet Muhammad’sﷺ most revolutionary acts was transforming the status of women in a society that frequently victimized them.
Women's EmpowermentDalia Mogahed

Prophet Muhammadﷺ strove to establish the Quran’s crucial call for equality, by breaking down barriers of class and privilege and bringing justice for all.
EqualityDr Asma Afsaruddin

The wellbeing of society was paramount to Prophet Muhammadﷺ who strove to establish social welfare at a time when such a concept was absent.
Social WelfareDr Afifi Al-Akiti

TheFamily Man
Deeply devoted to his family, the Prophetﷺ was the epitome of a loving father, husband and friend, and served the wider family of his community.
The Prophet’sﷺ loving and empathetic approach to the wider family of his community laid a new precedent for societal cohesion and respect for all.
Love for CommunityDr Asma Afsaruddin

Translating his love and respect for everyone around him, the Prophetﷺ lifted people up to new heights and left an enduring archetype of how to be a true father, husband and friend.
Father, husband, friendDr Craig Considine

Imbuing every role he held with empathy, love and understanding, Prophet Muhammadﷺ paid attention to people’s needs with deep insight and perception.
Emotional IntelligenceOmar Suleiman


Amid loss, slander and abuse, the Prophetﷺ found strength in resilience and persevered through every challenge.
Enduring the most difficult challenges in life, from personal loss to persecution, the Prophetﷺ persevered against all odds.
ResilienceDalia Mogahed

Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammadﷺ faced a breadth of hardships that played a crucial role in shaping his mental, emotional and spiritual fortitude.
Mental HealthOmar Suleiman

Through his resilience and firm belief in God, the Prophetﷺ paved the way to build a community on the foundation of safety, belonging and stability.
Community BuildingDr Afifi Al-Akiti

True to the Quran’s instruction to maintain peace, the Prophetﷺ sought to build bridges between different faiths and always stipulated compassion over conflict.
Prophet Muhammadﷺ was committed to maintaining peace and harmony, encouraging compassion over conflict and unity over discord.
Conflict ResolutionDalia Mogahed

In challenging the disunity, prejudice and inequality around him, the divinely guided Prophetﷺ inspired a new model of existence through the call for coexistence.
CoexistenceDr Craig Considine

Always stipulating the need for mercy over revenge, the Prophetﷺ reframed authority and power with the ideals of compassion and peacekeeping.
Compassion to EnemiesOmar Suleiman

The Prophetﷺ set the perfect example in nurturing an attitude of guardianship, respect and dignity towards everything and everyone, from protecting the environment to safeguarding people of all backgrounds.
Emphasising care and protection for all creatures, the Prophetﷺ reframed the human relationship with the animal kingdom using the highest ideals.
Animal WelfareDr Asma Afsaruddin

The Prophetﷺ instructed his people to support the most vulnerable in society and make it their common goal to create safe spaces for all.
GuardianshipDr Craig Considine

Over fourteen centuries ago, Prophet Muhammadﷺ upheld the Quran’s visionary ethos that integrated humanity and spirituality with care for the earth.
EnvironmentDr Afifi Al-Akiti

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